Distinguishing between Affiliate Organizations and Corporate Members
Updated January 22, 2024.
Affiliate organizations of the OMEA are organizations or groups who:
- do not chiefly engage in commerce/service/products within the music education community or any community
- primarily engage in music activities and who support music educators, with or on behalf of their membership under the leadership of a primarily volunteer board
- are established groups that the OMEA works with in collegiality within the profession of music education and in the spirit of music education
- use a non-partisan approach that upholds the values of the OMEA and, in whole or in part, shares the same or similar values of advocating and promoting quality music education for every learner
- promote equity, diversity and inclusion and meet the current values of the OMEA
As both the OMEA and affiliate organizations evolve, the OMEA reserves the right to review affiliate organizations to determine if they continue to qualify for affiliate status.
The OMEA reserves the right to reject an application for corporate or affiliate membership for any reason.
Corporate members of the OMEA are organizations or groups who:
- are primarily engaged in commerce/service/products in the music industry, which may influence but is not necessarily related to the music education community
- may be not-for-profit organizations that engage in commerce, which may include paid staff or resource developers
As both the OMEA and corporate organizations evolve, the OMEA reserves the right to review corporate organizations to determine if they continue to qualify for corporate status
The OMEA reserves the right to reject an application for corporate or affiliate membership for any reason.