Guidelines for Contributors

The Recorder publishes a broad spectrum of scholarly articles and reports in educational foundations in music education, research-based discussions and evolving practices pertinent to the discipline in Ontario. The journal is now peer reviewed by authorities of provincial standing. Authors wishing to submit material for consideration should follow the guidelines printed below.

*The Recorder is looking for contributions to an ongoing series highlighting “Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in Music Education.” We welcome all types of submission for this section including (but not limited to): short articles or sections of larger papers/assignments, opinion pieces, book reviews, resource reviews, community events, and reviews of workshops, professional development sessions, and guest speakers. We also want to include space for you to share your personal experiences working with EDI in the classroom, including “aha” moments and ideas about teaching music through an equitable lens. If you would like to submit for this section, please contact Jane Saunders, Editor: and quote the call for “EDI contributions” in the subject line. You can submit at any time, there is no closing date for this call. Looking forward to hearing from you!







WINTER 25- #2

Friday,  January 24

Monday, February 10

SPRING 25- #3

Monday, April 7

Monday, April 28

SUMMER 25- #4

Monday,  June 23

Friday,  July 11



Submissions must be typed with double spacing throughout and should not normally exceed 4000 words. Please be aware that there is only one space after periods. No upper case CAPS, bold type or underlining for emphasis. Authors should supply an electronic copy, saved as a Text (.txt) file only or as an electronic
e-mail attachment saved as text or as a Word document (.doc) or in Rich Text Format. Other formats such as (.docx) will cause delays in the review of the materials.


Pictures and/or graphics accompanying articles should be sent as digital files or attachments only.
Please do not embed tables, figures, or pictures in article / text.


All scans should be at 300 dpi or higher, black and white, and saved as JPEGs, TIFFs or high resolution PDFs only.
Please do not send text files with embedded graphics. Save the graphics separately as per the above.
Label digital graphics files with the author’s name, the number sequentially, i.e. Jones1, Jones2, etc. Picture captions should relate to file names.

Style and References

All manuscripts must be prepared according to the style described in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (Seventh Edition). Spelling should conform to Canadian standards such as prescribed in the Gage Canadian Dictionary except in quote material from foreign English language publications. Samples of the format for the “Reference List” are as follows:

Shotton, M. A. (1989). Computer addiction? A study of computer dependency.
London, England: Taylor & Francis.

Light, M. A., & Light, I. H. (2008). The geographic expansion of Mexican immigration in the United States and its implications for local law enforcement. Law Enforcement Executive Forum Journal,
8(1), 73-82.

Short quotations (40 words or fewer) should be incorporated into the body of text with single quotation marks. Longer quotations should be double indented and single spaced. All quoted material must be identified by author, year and page number, e.g. (Mark, 1986, p.172). General ideas and supporting themes must be cited by author and year. All material cited in the body of the submission must be included in the “Reference List”.

A brief autobiographical note as to institution affiliation and general duties and interests in music education should be sent as a separate digital file along with a recent photograph (see Images).

All submissions are to be made to the Editor and receipt will be acknowledged. Submissions will be peer reviewed if requested by the author; peer referees are of provincial/national standing in music education. Authors of all submissions accepted for publication must assign the copyright of the material to the OMEA.

For more information, or with questions, contact the Editor, The Recorder:
Dr. Jane Saunders



  • “How To…” articles in any area of music education
  • Best Practices – any and all areas of music education practice
  • Professional Development
  • Curriculum
  • Assessment and Evaluation Practices
  • Resources
  • Community /Classroom Music Making
  • Technology
  • Philosophy in Music Education
  • Classroom Activities
  • Fundraising
  • Canadian Music / World Music
  • Historical Perspectives – Personal Reflections
  • Music Programs – Inspiration and Development
  • Scholarly Papers and Research