Membership Information

You have selected the Retired membership level.

OMEA speaks on behalf of all music educators in Ontario. We are regular participants in subject association meetings with the Ministry of Education, Ontario Teachers’ Federation Curriculum Forum meetings and the Ontario College of Teachers meetings. As an affiliated association, OMEA members also enjoy the benefits of the Canadian Music Educators’ Association.

Retired $45.00 + $5.85HST ($18 built in for CMEA membership)
This category is reserved for members who are retired

Membership benefits include:

Current members of the Association receive the following membership benefits:
- Access to an annual subscription of The Recorder, delivered quarterly in electronic or hard copy format (member choice),
- Access to the exclusive Members Only section of OMEA website, including a searchable electronic database of educational resources, curated by the OMEA for use in teaching settings, and conference materials (video archives, notes, handouts) from recent OMEA conferences and workshops,
- Access to professional development and networking opportunities, including workshops and the annual conference. While some opportunities will be free with the payment of a membership fee, some workshops or conferences will require additional costs/registration fees to be incurred by members who wish to attend,
- Ability to serve on the Board of Directors of the Association, and
- Ability to vote at the annual general meeting, which includes electing members to the OMEA’s Board of Directors, receiving reports, and determining OMEA’s strategic directions.

AFFILIATION WITH THE CANADIAN MUSIC EDUCATORS’ ASSOCIATION / L'association canadienne des musiciens éducateurs (CMEA/ACME)
The Ontario Music Educators’ Association (OMEA) maintains an affiliation with the Canadian Music Educators’ Association / L'association canadienne des musiciens éducateurs (CMEA/ACME) whereby some membership categories of the OMEA are automatically members of the CMEA/ACME for the same term of membership (See Annex 1). Membership dues for those membership categories affected are transferred to CMEA on each OMEA member’s behalf. Affiliated members are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the benefits of CMEA/ACME membership, and the rights, responsibilities and obligations that accompany membership in the CMEA/ACME. More information can be found on their website:

*note: as of September 2021, our affiliation agreement with CMEA/ACME is currently being re-formalized. OMEA members will receive updated information as it becomes available.

All members are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the OMEA Membership Policy

The price for membership is $45.00 now.

Canadian customers will be charged $5.85 tax.

Membership expires after 1 Year.

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I agree to the sharing of my personal information with the CMEA in order to fulfil this portion of my membership. Please email if you have any questions.