Corporate members are businesses engaged in the music industry and whose products and services are geared to supporting music education.
OMEA speaks on behalf of all music educators in Ontario. We are regular participants in subject association meetings with the Ministry of Education, Ontario Teachers’ Federation Curriculum Forum meetings and the Ontario College of Teachers meetings.
Corporate $125.00 + $16.25HST (No CMEA membership)
This category is reserved for corporations, educational institutions or organizations that are stakeholders in music education
Corporate members enjoy:
- Access to an annual subscription of The Recorder, delivered quarterly in electronic or hard copy format (member choice),
- A listing in each and every issue of the OMEA official quarterly journal
- An opportunity to be featured in the ‘Corporate Profiles’ of the Recorder
- Notice of upcoming OMEA Regional Toolbox Events and Conferences & Workshops, and opportunities to advertise and exhibit will be made available (for an additional cost)
- No charge for booths at our OMEA Regional Toolbox Events
- Ability to vote at the annual general meeting, which includes electing members to the OMEA’s Board of Directors, receiving reports, and determining OMEA’s strategic directions.
All members are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the OMEA Membership Policy