Fun with Fugues!

Explore, perform and analyze fugues through choral speaking and band repertoire. Students will then, using the creative and analytical processes, create their own fugue in small groups using a set of world drums or percussion instruments.

Lesson 1: What is a Fugue

ami_10_lsn1_TR1_Fugue Talking with notes

ami_10_lsn1_BLM1_guided listening activity

Lesson 2: Let’s Play a Fugue


Lesson 3: Compose a Fugue

ami_10_lsn3_TR3_fugue composition rubric sample

ami_10_lsn3_BLM3_imagining and generating

ami_10_lsn3_BLM4_planning _ focusing

ami_10_lsn3_BLM5_fugue map organizer

ami_10_lsn3_BLM2_elements of music checklist