Unintentional Piano Project

For all of the Elementary teachers who are rounding the halfway point of the year, and for all of the Secondary teachers who are finishing up semester 1 report cards today, here is a cool project idea for the spring. This article was completed by OMEA Director Marla...

Interlude 2017 Think Link Graphic Displays!

If you attended our Interlude 2017 Conference, it would have been hard to miss Erica Bota and her amazing Graphic THINK LINK boards. If you were unable to attend the conference, check out the images below of the graphic synthesis that ran throughout our Interlude...

THANK YOU – Interlude 2017

On behalf of the Interlude 2017 Planning committee and the entire OMEA Board of Directors, we wish to thank YOU the membership for making the conference this year such a fantastic event. We hope that you enjoyed your ‘interlude’ as much as we did. Have a...

Submit an article to The Recorder

Please visit our RECORDER page if you are interested in contributing an article to our quarterly journal. Deadlines for this year are as follows: Autumn issue (Vol. 60, No. 1)  Submission deadline – October 2, 2017                                    Publication...