ARTSECO, in consultation with Ontario’s Arts subject associations – the Council of Ontario Drama/Dance Educators (CODE), Ontario Art Education Association (OAEA), and Ontario Music Educators’ Association (OMEA) – has created this document to serve as a reference tool for elementary educators and administrators.

Its primary purpose is to support the development of instructional timetables that honour the integrity of all reportable subjects in the elementary curriculum, including an appropriate amount of instructional time in the Arts.

“To support student learning, principals ensure that the Ontario curriculum is being properly implemented in all classrooms through the use of a variety of instructional approaches, and that appropriate time, facilities, and resources are made available for teachers to allow all students to participate in all four strands of the arts program.”

(The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 1-8: The Arts, 2009, page 9)

ARTSECO_timetabling doc