This unit is comprised of 5 lessons consisting of these following Lesson plans
Lesson 1 – Listening to Film
Lesson 2 – Music Tells a Story
Lesson 3 – So You Want to Compose? – Analyze this!
Lesson 4 – Shortest Way To The Solution
Lesson 5 – Here We Go!

Students will use the stages of the critical analysis process to deconstruct compositions used in film. Students will explore the functions of music and the connection with visual images.

amc_11M_lsn1_listening to film

amc_11M_lsn1_BLM3_Matching Images

amc_11M_lsn1_BLM2_Group Improvisation

amc_11M_lsn1_BLM1_Film Worksheet

Students will assess the use of the elements of music and their effectiveness in film compositions.

amc_11M_lsn2_Music tells a story


amc_11M_lsn2_BLM4_co-constructed criteria checklist

Students will uncover the creative process and develop facility working with the first three stages of the process (i.e., challenging and inspiring, imagining and generating, planning and focusing)

amc_11M_lsn3_so you want to compose

amc_11M_lsn3_BLM 5_listening sheet

Develop facility working with the fourth stage of the creative process (i.e., exploring and experimenting) and understand the connections to the most efficient solution to a composition challenge.

amc_11M_lsn4_shortest way to the solution

amc_11M_lsn4_BLM6_venn diagram

amc_11M_lsn4_TR2_Mix and mingle

amc_11M_lsn4_TR3_Notational Approaches

Develop facility working through stages 5 & 6 of the creative process (i.e. producing preliminary work; revising/refining;)Document the process and the decisions made.

amc_11M_lsn5_here we go!

amc_11M_lsn5_BLM7_IMAGES and MOODS

amc_11M_lsn5_BLM8_red light green light

amc_11M_lsn5_BLM9_Ticket Out the Door

amc_11M_lsn5_creative process anchor chart

amc_11M_lsn5_TR4_anchor charts