The OMEA Guided Listening Project connects music educators with resources on the Naxos Music Canada library to support implementation of the newly revised Ontario curriculum: The Arts, Grades 1-8 and The Arts, Grades 9-12. The listening examples in this guide will assist music teachers from grades 1-12 in making connections to many of the specific expectations in the curriculum document. Wherever possible the NAXOS examples have been chosen to be inclusive of eras and styles of music.

The overview of the revised secondary music curriculum states: “Analysis involves listening to live or recorded performances from a range of cultures to understand the language of music, its historical and cultural context, and how effectively its composers and performers communicate to their audience.” The examples for this project are purposefully eclectic to allow music teachers to explore the wealth of music and educational resources found in the NAXOS music library.

In all 3 strands of the music curriculum, listening selections will illustrate the concepts being studied and enrich the musical learning across all grades. Through active listening, students will examine how music can enrich their lives in very unique ways. Given sufficient time, this resource should help teachers to motivate and instil a life long interest in learning about music.

*Access Steps for General Access:

1. Visit your School Board’s custom URL. This may be on your library
page or your music program’s page. If your board does not have a custom URL set up yet, or your Board
doesn’t use one, you can visit: and log in with your credentials.

**Some boards no longer have a subscription to Naxos. Please contact your board for details if you are unsure if you have access.**

3. Once logged in – point your mouse to the “Study Area” in
the main

4. Mouse over “North America” – and explore the “OMEA
Guided Listening
Project” entry.

5. Once on the “OMEA Guided Listening Project” page, you can start
enjoying the musical examples.

6. Full Teacher prompts are provided and are in line with the “C
Numbers” provided in your OMEA curriculum.

a. Use these prompts to encourage musical discussion!

7. Each example will load a separate window.

a. Alternatively, you can click the “Play All In Order” link at
bottom of each “C Number” section to play all of the musical examples
that section without needing to load a different window.

8. Enjoy the wonderful world of music with your students!