The GPS (Grade Performance Steps) – The Road to Musical Success! are a series of performance tasks that will provide your students tasks that will teach the Fundamental Concepts from the Revised Ontario Music Curriculum Grades 1-8 required at each grade to achieve musical success!

Task 1 – Fun With Pizzicato: Beat
Task 2 – The First Three Notes: Pitch/Rhythm
Task 3 – Bow Grip: Beat/Rhythm
Task 4 – Keeping Fingers Down: Rhythm/Beat
Task 5 – The Great Composition Begins!: Notation
Task 6 – Let’s Hear You: Beat
Task 7 – Putting It All Together: Pitch/Beat/Rhythm
Task 8 – Feeling The Blues: Form
Task 9 – Let’s Take Control: Beat/Rhythm/Tempo
Task 10 – Sing It Out!: Expressive Controls
Task 11 – Let’s Count In Threes!: Metre
Task 12 – The Great Composition Continues: Notation
Task 13 – “Tie”ing It All Togehter: Expressive Controls
Task 14 – Loud vs. Soft: Expressive Control
Task 15 – Major and Minor: Pitch
Task 16 – Staccato: Expressive Control – Articulation
Task 17 – Put It All Together: Expressive Controls
Task 18 – The Finishing Touches: Notation
Task 19 – Almost There: Expressive Controls
Task 20 – The Grand Finale!: Culminating Task