This livebinder is brought to you by The Arts Education Consultants of Ontario, ARTSECO. Our organization is comprised of system level Arts consultants and co-ordinators from across the province. Our mission is to support and encourage Arts in education and to liaise with the Ministry of Education, as well as existing agencies and arts organizations:
Unit 1: This unit of study was designed to deepen the financial literacy of students in the following Ontario Grade 11 Arts courses: ATC3O/3M ADA3O/3M AMU3O/3M
Lesson I: Introducing…Financial Literacy
Lesson 2: The Price of Admission
Lesson 3: That’s the Ticket!
Unit 2: This Financial Literacy secondary unit of study has been designed for use in any Ontario secondary arts course. The unit is comprised of four lessons:
Lesson 1: Introduction to Living the Life
Lesson 2: Values
Lesson 3: Goals
Lesson 4: The Cost of “The Life”
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