by OMEA | Nov 28, 2023 | Articles and Lists, Assessment Tools, Band, Choir, Choral, classroom music, Elementary, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, General, Grade 7/8, Guitar, Inquiry, Jazz, Kindergarten, Music for Creating, Musical Theatre, Orff, Primary / Junior, Primary/Junior, Primary/Junior, Professional Development, Recorders, Secondary, Strings, Technology, Ukulele, Workshop Notes, Workshops
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by OMEA | Jul 8, 2021 | classroom music, Grade 7/8, Lesson Plans, Secondary
Your students will love this interactive Google Slideshow with Google Forms and Interactive Slides focusing on the Evolution of Notation. Evolution of Notation Google Slides (Force Copy)… Please login to view this content Already a member? Log in...
by OMEA | Jun 8, 2021 | Grade 7/8, Secondary
These scavenger hunts are designed in such a way that the ENTIRE class or small groups work together to FIND the correct answer using the internet. These are designed for either Review or to begin the conversations and further lessons on a particular topic....
by OMEA | Jun 8, 2021 | Grade 7/8, Secondary
Mussorgsky used this series of paintings as inspiration for Pictures at an Exhibition. He took ideas from eleven pieces of art (sadly, only six still exist today) to create this music. Students will examine each painting and think about what they think they will hear....
by OMEA | Jun 8, 2021 | Grade 7/8, Primary/Junior, Secondary
Your beginner instrumental, ukulele, guitar and recorder players will enjoy mashing up all their favourite method book lines in the beginning composition activity. Teachers will enjoy the already made assessment and evaluation tool! Method Book Mash Up (Google Force...
by OMEA | Jun 8, 2021 | Grade 7/8, Secondary
This culminating activity inspired by CBC’s “Backyard Beats” will get your students excited to demonstrate what they have learned this school year on their instrument. Demonstrate your Instrument Video (Google Force Copy) Grab and Go_Demonstrate Your...
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